Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bezbolesna śmierć

[TV Series] Dexter season 4 and Braquo

Two very good series!

One is well presented and the other strikes a blow. Already

4 seasons for Dexter and I never tire tjs not. This 4 th season ever in 12 episodes, is one of the best. Everything is very well put together and the final absolutely stunning. I still can not get over so that it has been over a week since I saw it ...

Braquo is a lot of Shield Made in France. The first French series that resembles qq thing. Only 8 episodes, but certainly many ways that all seasons Julie Lescaut combined! Finally a set with actors who embody their characters, a script and a plot that make fiction believable and immerses the viewer heart drama, light and image control. Finally a series that has nothing to be ashamed of quality standards across the Atlantic . To see. Imperative.


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