Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mi Paste Decalcification Reviews


On the later, Rod Stewart did his business. With mixed success. George Michael gave it a try once or twice and he has surprised everyone. Rufus Wainwright has it in blood and in her voice. Morrissey would have everything to be dazzling. Elvis if he had really talked seriously have downgraded more than one and Dylan, who did not vote for it are often draws its inspiration. In the hollow of the wave, Linda Rondstadt saw a salvation and Robbie Williams, teasing this directory has endorsed a suit too big for him. Those who have eyes that twinkle when you talk about Cole Porter, Jimmy Van Heusen, Johnny Mercer and Burt Bacharach well know that the Great American Songbook is impossible to sing if you can not sing and that even those who know are never sure of success. We can not look to American music before Heartbreak Hotel one day without being confronted. Broadway, Hollywood, Tin Pan Alley, jazz, pop, swing, there's a little of all this in the GA S and it is difficult to give a precise definition.
Among the artists who contributed to the richness of this repertoire, Hoagy Carmichael holds a special place. Born into a family of bohemian artists, he was forced to leave the teen to hold various odd jobs (mechanic, killer in a slaughterhouse) to help his people to make ends meet. In 1918, unable to afford a qualified doctor, his parents see the little sister of Hoagy dying from a bad flu. He then swore to never be in need. That's why he put aside a career as a musician to get into law school. But, alas, the lure of music is too loud and stimulated by his friendship with the great cornetist Bix Beiderbecke, he transplanted the piano. In 1927 his career took off with the composition of his first big success: Stardust. This song, sublime touches the heart of our reports (at least, I think many of us) with music. A woman passed away leaving us remember her as a simple melody and the reappearance of the phantom music plunges us into a sweet nostalgia. A theme often treated as though rarely so meaningful that this way of Hoagy Carmichael. Three versions to choose from thousands of Stardust recorded since 1927 is inevitably cruel. For my personal taste, three miracles deserve to be brought to your attention:
- the instrumental version of Erroll Garner (watch for the appearance of the blade on the battery to the fortieth second!)
- the singing lesson Nat King Cole (semi parlando of the introduction is to fall) accompanied by Gordon Jenkins
- 's single Bing Crosby (1931), less smooth and faster than Nat but with a hiss irrésisitible at the end.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Loving the underdogs

In sports as in everything, my preference is given to players who lose out in advance and sometimes, rarely, indeed, create the surprise. What the English call Underdogs nicely. The champion wins, it's normal, it's his job but his victories often less marked than when the spirits lost, stumbling under the blows of a misplaced or a dilettante. The examples are legion and they are almost as gratifying as each other. Nadal Soderling is correct in the fourth round at Roland Garros 2008, Algeria's Madjer mistreating Germans 1982, Ronan Pensec carrying the yellow jersey in the Tour de France 1990 for two days. But the biggest score, the unthinkable, turning the most incredible, it must be sought in Japan and this, February 10, 1990. That day, Mike Tyson, the youngest boxer to win a title of world champion James Buster Douglas faces a decent puncher Columbus but whose reputation was absolutely incomparable to that of "Kid Dynamite" The rating was Buster of 52 / 1, equivalent to about a chance to see Honduras winning the World Cup in South Africa. Most commentators saw it just take longer than Berbick or Spinks. In short, at best, a sparring partner before meeting with Holyfield. The fans even believed that Douglas was not a substantive opponent very legitimate Iron Mike, he was so lucky that his membership in the stable of Don King. " Quick Jab" will wade to prove otherwise. In the weeks preceding the fight, Douglas lost his mother and separated from his wife. He has nothing more to lose. He lost weight and is entitled to ten good centimeters more than "Iron Mike". Tyson, himself, is quite the most terrifying hitter in 1986. Separation Robin Given, the dismissal of his coach and also perhaps his escapades with pretty young Japanese have weakened. Upon entering the ring, Tyson killer is back as a boxer like others and James Buster Douglas is the chance of a lifetime.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Occupational Soap Note

The Age of Innocence

In a world saturated with obscenity, which makes everyone to be more common and vulgar than its neighbor, a movie like The Age of Innocence good! Not that obscenity is absent from the masterpiece Martin Scorsese, who can also hide behind the gloves fresh butter and top hat, but staging the pretty successful feat to put themselves in unison with the wonderfully sophisticated prose of Edith Wharton (whose echoes reach us through the voice off Joanne Woodward). Disdaining the academic who had stifled the film, Scorsese refuses to fix his camera in endless stills. It multiplies the movement virtuosi (dives over the table of Van der Luyden, fades on the letters of apology, which came from Newton to a ball given by Julius Beaufort ) Plans and uses very short during the presentation of Ellen Van der Luyden in as if to signify his great freedom in a New York aristocracy as corseted as the Old World. Virtuoso, but Scorsese is incomparably elegant when it comes to expressing feelings of the evolution towards Newton Archer Ellen Olenska. Here, everything is played in the way of filming the hands of the protagonists. First to Met a kiss hand marking a remote curiosity embarrassed then shook hands before a more engaging fleeting but comforting embrace of wrist. And then there is that wonderful moment where Newton has to give Ellen her divorce, then his freedom. Imperceptibly, the camera gets rid of the depth of field (all these hangings, these trinkets that might act as a screen between the viewer and the truth of feelings) to better focus on the two sides of love burning the for each other socially but forced to hide their desires.

Liberal privately but respectful of propriety in public, Newton Archer is a complex, tortured and tying it in any way inferior to face Ellen Olenska, emancipated woman who thinks for crossing the Atlantic to win her right to happiness before to abandon the party for not forcing his lover to use cruelty to his fiancee. Figure sacrificed a delicacy almost superhuman ("I can not love you UNLESS I Give You Up," she said in Newton before splitting with him), Ellen Olenska falls into the category of great love, Lady Mortsauf for fiction in George Sand, in reality (also exposed to the conventions, also wonderful) that in Story of my life wrote these words came back to me in memory at the end of the film: " Marriage is the supreme object of love. When love is gone or does not sacrifice the rest. [...] There is the sacrifice of compensation that the vulgar mind can appreciate. Approval of the world's smooth routine use, a small quiet and sensible devotion that does not exalt, or money, that is to say, toys, rags, Luxury whatever? thousand little things which make us forget that we are deprived of happiness. "

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Olympic Female Camel Toe

Friday, June 11 8:15 p.m.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Brazillian Waxing In Delhi

When Tracey sings

This has been a hair that this beautiful single pass unnoticed. Fortunately, there is a topic that I persist in reading before the great refusal to come: New releases at All Music Guide. There, I learned that Tracey Thorn solo had relapsed after the excellent Out of the woods in 2007 (and the resumption of a major title gaunt Pet Shop Boys ( King's Cross)). Love and Its opposite is available from the 17 in England and surely very soon on the continent. The single that preceded the release of the album it is listening on Spotify and let us say from the outset, it is a gem. Tracey, who after 28 years together, just married Ben Watt, about the increasing number of separations around it and it gives this bittersweet refrain where anxiety about the future raises touching confidences (" And Each Time, I hear who's to part I examined my heart see how it stands wonder if it's still in safe hands ). But if the words are moved to the precariousness of all things, the voice of Tracey, she is perfectly controlled. The medium is gorgeous, the bass sticks as usual thrills and beauty of the stamp is intact.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Does Slip Into A Coma Mean

Ultimate change?

The attachment point of the jib sheet sometimes occasioned a blockage in the flow of said listener. Following the purchase of a pulley that I thought swivel 360 degrees ....... but that was partly, I had maintained that the pulley .... I still had the "base": it will try to replace the old anchor.

Former anchor:


result (test tomorrow!)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tyagi Public School Of 2010

Photo ... VIDEO

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cities And Knights.?

CRETEIL 2010 (I was not ..... and am not the author of this video)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Make A Request Letter For Disconnection

Nabe, Sinatra and swing

Trade cursers is not easy and if I had the opportunity, I probably preferred to drink a cup of tea with Abbe Mugnier a "mouthful of poison" with Leon Bloy. But misanthropy of those who spew this is often read by famous pages, like articles from Marc-Edouard Nabe collected by Editions du Rocher in two large volumes, and Yes No . It is on the faith of those that I remember reading I have decided to address its twenty-eighth book available from her butcher and this site. Curious about this man since his first steps media hallucinated in Pivot, I am also tempted by the latest Rock'n'Folk who devotes his column to me my discs. Peremptory
, sententious, final, Nabe evacuates Rock'n'roll with the back of the neck, swears by jazz and bossa nova and says it is the only one to understand the helplessness of the youth before to conclude that what annoys the most is the claim. Yes, of course ...
But what blew me most is his parallel between Hendrix and Sinatra that I let you discover.
So Nabe he has indulged in the presence of maneuver? I prefer not to believe because it would be a "demagogue" unworthy of the son of Marcel Zanini. As for the swing, the arm fell to me. Sinatra, not swing? But I prefer to let you judge: Frank Sinatra

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Coins Cheat

Meeting Terrain RC Chigné (Maine et Loire)

The traditional meeting of Chigné jeep took place this Sunday. Our club model ship was invited to between 2 races, make a demo boat and cracker boxes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

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night, day, and all other nights

Michel Audiard has no fans it deserves. TV trays for banquet watered, it cites the rhyme to put the laugh on his side. Not sure he would have liked to not retain him that dialogues Tonton flingueurs or Morfalous . Like Gainsbourg who considered the song (which made him live and live well) as a minor art, liked nothing Audiard (half lucid, half cunning) that denigrate the film that made him rich and refined. His hobby was more literature. Certainly not one to tire his interlocutors pedants references but the crazy hermit Meudon as asthmatic Boulevard Haussmann, or the poet of Charleville. As Walsh while filming hiding to read The Charterhouse of Parma , the man with the cap took care to conceal the Travel under the Team and The Search in Paris-Turf . His only real novel, night, day and night all other s demonstrates this devotion there (he also seeks a quarrel with a trollop who do not want a street Celine Meudon) and shows that Audiard was not a dialogue-notch. It was also a writer. Awkward customer, xenophobic at times but a writer.
The night is the raw wound that opens the book, the loss of his son Francis in a car accident, January 19, 1975. Become bitter, even nihilistic, Audiard who abandons the quaint * made his glory, as he writes, "let scroll memories following a protocol where death reigns . Death of Pierrot in an American bombing, dead children of Aristides in the derailment of the Paris-Hendaye Myrette killed, raped, dismembered and mowed by the holder of the cleaning guns. Only haven of peace in this world of sorrows and forgetful beings, the cemetery where the narrator speaks again Montrouge spending time with his loved ones. This does not surprise those who appreciate the "bete noire " of filmmakers Nouvelle Vague, the memories of the Occupation of Audiard lean more Crossing to paris than to The last metro. As of Brassens Two Uncles, screenwriter of Barbouzes refers back to back tough and collaborators (" The other soldiers, including those" shadow "mingle in the same tomato sauce, is worth all basically hysterical blouseurs-blouses, monstrously so similar that their destiny s'emberlificote sticky "). The war, he made as a commission, vaguely paperboy, pacing the capital bicycle (his second love after the books), viewers of "exquisite tribe ", the" hexagonal "(" drunks, racketeers, informers, shopping train anonymographes ). Like so many others either FFI or militiamen, Audiard has just tried to pass between pools in a period and a city ( Paname ) where it was not so easy (I speak to you again soon Trenet's occupation). But the speech he held on this time, for it is questionable, deserves be heard: "I have never seen lot of demos before the red placards. Everyone had it must be said, something else to fuck the milkman ... ... cavaler learn new dance moves ... repaint ... find the bike stolen coal. When it was warm weather, the sunshine of 44, when other manures fielded other manures to other posts, concerns remained the same, just more frivolous ... ice-cream ... chewing gum. .. Lucky Strike "). The heroism of Resistance fighters in late rabbit skin, here's nightmare, the dialogue of Barbouzes. Hard to deny that sometimes crosses the border of drivel but I forgive him for everything that passes comaques well worth the time you spend to get their hands on this book: " At this hour, by that time, Pigalle you fall on your back like an old dog mat. why this shit remember she Venice? The Serene hundred years senile, rinsing his dead snags in the water? Pigalle feels almost as bad. As soon as the candles blown out, the place turns into curd, worse than the big Place Clichy, however badly blech. Sung as if the small stream of water is nothing else in the dawn drowned, a squeeze bottle in a bowl ... "

*: Even if it still happens to write things like" when they know that parents held Quenotte trade lemonade and charcoal, it will be superfluous to specify that they were Espalion "

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Church Anniversary Speech

Learning navigation, tough! "

Beautiful sun, sky blue storm .. ...... ...... steady breeze was a good time to navigate!!

preparation before:

The boom which the fixation point count on this one problem for me!

And the video!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Acrostic Poem Of Black Death

He's the man

box Rarely have both carried his name: Marvin Gaye - The Master. Master singer, master of harmony and composition teacher, what is often overlooked. He may be less complex than others in Motown (if judged by the yardstick of a Smokey Robinson in particular) but the titles he has written, alone or in teams, have contributed to aura stainless firm Detroit ( Dancing in the Streets, Mercy, Mercy Me, The Bells The Originals for , When Did You Stop Loving Me When Did I Stop Loving You among many others).
Now it is clear that this type of case always let the fan (and Saint Médard d'Aunis can boast of owning a real one) circumspect. What's the umpteenth time hoarding a collection of titles already well known and acquired? 80% of this package was already available and in other respects, they are often alternate takes, rarely superior to the originals. So what? Why dwell on a box whose first version dates from 1995? First
for notes by David Ritz, author of the great Marvin Gaye : A Divided Soul (one of the few books that never leaves my nightstand). fan transition and yet lucid (he has never hidden the ingratitude Marvin legendary for its employees). Ritz its axis (alas too short) record on the conflict between spiritual and temporal in the work of the pastor's son. Say it drives the point of his biography but how not to do the same when you listen and replay the master. Who, I ask you, has put much flesh in his gospel (splashing His Eyes Is On The Sparrow ) and as much fervor in his calls for statutory rape?
And also true for the handful of unpublished mark this box and justify every excess cash in particular the diptych Piece of Clay, I'm going home registered margins of his duet album with Diana . Piece of clay, composed in part by Gloria Jones (no, we will not talk about his illustrious companion!) Marvin sees confront the ghosts of a brutal and education sectatrice so that sees I'm Going Home the prodigal son return to nest. Piece of Clay is perhaps not a startling revelation, but I'm going home is a haunted blues with no real chorus (we are not far from the studio jam) but with minor modulations striking . For
Daniel like Philou and others, it will appear superfluous This anthology of writing that does not in any way to get all the treasures saved by the master (list on request) and does not neglect his album of duets or Vulnerable or Live at the Copa .

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mammal Higher Respiration

Five years

1. Which movie is it?
2. What disc (A) is on the wall?
We've got a winner ! MAYDRICK won the point which he missed by finding, on the wall Take it Easy With The Walker Brothers . A few hours ago, The Civil Servant and son were able to recognize Rocked but alas it was to no avail. remains to MAYDRICK to determine: Print or CDs?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ovarian Cyst Removal Recovery

contest 15 contest 14

1. Which movie is it? (1 point)
MAYDRICK probably like me in love with Julie Delpy seal perhaps its victory with Two Days in Paris.
Gunfight tonight at 22:00 here!

Sample Of Apology Letter To Boss

Five years Five years Five years

1. Which movie is it? (1 point)
2. How hard is it to hand? (1 point)
Finding Good Morning Vietnam All Summer Long and , MAYDRICK passes Napalm competition!

Monday, March 29, 2010

How Long To Wax Before Fake Tan

contest 13 contest 12 contest 11

1. So this movie, kiddo? (0.5 points)
2. What disc is playing this deck? (1 point)
3. How hard do you see as furniture decorated with a capital E? (1 point)
nice Mogwai, MAYDRICK turned into ruthless Gremlin (s ) destroying everything in its path. Only the cover of Marvin live at the Palladium eluded him. However, he found Johnny Mathis and Do You Hear What I Hear ?
By an unfortunate manipulation, I deleted the comment of the Civil Servant. Hoping it does not strictly hold me!
Flash game easily 20 hours, we will say!

Where Can I Get Brazillian Waxing In Delhi

1. Which movie is it? (1 point)
2. What is the title and artist of the disk marked with a letter A (0.5 + 0.5 points)
MAYDRICK and Mr Carnby tailgating Civil Servant now because they found respectively High Fidelity and Fresh by Sly & The Family Stone .

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Collection Letter Dental Samples

Five years Five years Five years

1. Which movie is it (2 points in view of the difficulty of the case!)
2. And like the lower plate so that there is one point.
MAYDRICK takes all finding Pump up the Volume and Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen )

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Indian Women Black Men

contest 10 contest 9

1. Which movie is it? MAYDRICK , Daniel (I was not expecting this, I admit) and Mr Carnby recognized Dirty Dancing .