Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Make A Request Letter For Disconnection

Nabe, Sinatra and swing

Trade cursers is not easy and if I had the opportunity, I probably preferred to drink a cup of tea with Abbe Mugnier a "mouthful of poison" with Leon Bloy. But misanthropy of those who spew this is often read by famous pages, like articles from Marc-Edouard Nabe collected by Editions du Rocher in two large volumes, and Yes No . It is on the faith of those that I remember reading I have decided to address its twenty-eighth book available from her butcher and this site. Curious about this man since his first steps media hallucinated in Pivot, I am also tempted by the latest Rock'n'Folk who devotes his column to me my discs. Peremptory
, sententious, final, Nabe evacuates Rock'n'roll with the back of the neck, swears by jazz and bossa nova and says it is the only one to understand the helplessness of the youth before to conclude that what annoys the most is the claim. Yes, of course ...
But what blew me most is his parallel between Hendrix and Sinatra that I let you discover.
So Nabe he has indulged in the presence of maneuver? I prefer not to believe because it would be a "demagogue" unworthy of the son of Marcel Zanini. As for the swing, the arm fell to me. Sinatra, not swing? But I prefer to let you judge: Frank Sinatra


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