Saturday, October 31, 2009

How Long To Keep Castor Oil In Hair?

[Club] Meeting of October

Here are pictures that are starting to date a little ... This is the last meeting of the club scene on the table Golgothik and that goes back a month! Jero
It shows in all its splendor in the handling of the brush to make brushings of dark gray to light gray on the stones of the church.

We see also demonstrate his sense of color to create clarification of various roofs. And once more, hats off, as the shades are perfect!

Meanwhile, I worked mainly on the fountain (although I also i paint the church steeple and roof qq) and SebRom busy to finish preparatory layer plates (wood glue, sand and black paint) . I also participated as one of our younger members.

There, as it was a little difficult to get a general idea, but wait just a bit and you should see that things are taking shape.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pokemon Soul Silver Rom Usa Patched

decor [Decorations] The Fountain

I'm not very used to build sets. Qq is something I do very rarely, even, I honestly think this is one of the first I realized from A to Z alone.

I struggled a lot with water by artificial place that GW does not become transparent despite all the hard as I could make!
Anyway, overall, this fountain will play its role perfectly on a table game ^ ^
rider figurine is that of Ex-Baneret Illis (copy provided by Ravage 54).
The base of the fountain is the size of a CD since I also used a transparent disk which was generally in the spindles. It is both a solid, lightweight and very thin.

The fountain is made styrodur in the cut just as I have (mixed pyroscie, thank you Seb, and a good old cutter) and then etched with a point.
For the bottom of the fountain I used a resin coasters lying around my house (something like gothic atmosphere) and I glued a piece of styrodur cut and engraved in the same way as the rest of the fountain to the pedestal.
A mixture of wood glue and sand was applied around the perimeter of the fountain.
I spent a bit of tile adhesive on the elements styrodur to give them some texture.

For painting : Black base, then thinning by dry brushing gray increasingly clear. Simple and effective. I also sprinkled
qq places of static grass to represent the formation of foams that can be created on such constructions.

plsu The galley was really the artificial water. Is transparent in places Elele comem if and to other places it is cloudy or milky
:-( But hey, it happens anyway ... Phew.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wording Farewell Party Invitation

[WiP] EPA No. 2

A small photo before going quietly the dodo.
This is the second EPA Incursion (one with pliers) before passing to wash (and clarification qq collages and decals).
I had already made the covers but that was all there and I had to spend 30 minutes to get this record. With any luck another 30 minutes and it will be over. Will
just find this time tomorrow ^ ^

(WiP the figurine is from left)

Milena Velbavintage Girdle In Mauve

[Figs] Incusrion: Ape No 1 painted

That should look like soon (everything being relative) for my EPAs incursion. Painting
quick wash abundant use of GW and using moreover old decals of the Imperial Guard who hang from the chandeliers at the bottom of my drawer because I felt in not making the numbers of hands (I would have to make a picture of back and side. And above all I make a stand!
It also remains to pass to Matt varnish which should mitigate qq small defects.

left the finished result (if if ^ ^) and right next EPA will spend! History of abortion an idea of what I sui Sparti.

Fan Regulator Using Triac

[Series] True Blood S02

I just finished viewing the second season of True Blood. For some ways it is worse than the first season and others much better!
For fans of Vampire, a series not to be missed!
And the season strongly for the next three subjects qu'alléchants deal more ...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Dress Toddlers In Sims 2

[DD4] reached Level 4!

Also in the city of etching, shortly after he knocked the Lady of the Shadow which led, among other things, a slave trade with the terrible and evil Yuan-Thi (snake men).

While we were on the docks, a dull dark escaped from a stack of crates and undead appeared.

Our heroic blood did one round and each grabbed his arms and recited her spells to return its undead in the dust.

skeletons, a lost soul and certainly a spectrum were at the heart of this confrontation.

Once his forces of darkness postponed, we discovered poor people trapped in some boxes!

The entire group (from left to right): Summoner Deva , Kaliel the elf ranger (me ^ ^), Kali's human thief , Heljä dwarf priestess Melora and Mon'artil the elf ranger (archer). And NPC (a traitor ultimately !)...

Our guide takes us to an ancient ruined city of tens of km of high water which we suppose is the land of bandits and perhaps even a nest Yuan-Ti .

arrived at the gates of the city, we faufilons in the shadows to fall suddenly on several bandits.

Combat is relentless and they arise from all sides.

Their leader is perched atop a small tower and we loose stuffs arrows, as well as our guide who stabbed us in the back (in fact it uses a crossbow ^ ^)

In addition to humans, a witch Yuan-Ti brings his evil magic to overthrow us.

Fortunately, our shots and our arrows mow his opponents without mercy.

A spell of the Yuan-Ti immobilize us, me and Heljä , legs stuck in the swampy land became suddenly.
I'll have to let my faithful swords fall to grab my bow. Besides, it's one of my arrows nailed, in the head, the witch winds (which I appropriating Armor - Armor Skin invoked +2).

In the lair of the bandits, locked in a cage we will release children who were to be sold to snake-men. But during the confrontation, the dwarf who had guided us so far we have escaped ...

The result of our adventures? Very soon, is not it Sylvia?
(especially since I'm finally level 4 level 3 and my companions, which should provide exciting battles!)