Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Dress Toddlers In Sims 2

[DD4] reached Level 4!

Also in the city of etching, shortly after he knocked the Lady of the Shadow which led, among other things, a slave trade with the terrible and evil Yuan-Thi (snake men).

While we were on the docks, a dull dark escaped from a stack of crates and undead appeared.

Our heroic blood did one round and each grabbed his arms and recited her spells to return its undead in the dust.

skeletons, a lost soul and certainly a spectrum were at the heart of this confrontation.

Once his forces of darkness postponed, we discovered poor people trapped in some boxes!

The entire group (from left to right): Summoner Deva , Kaliel the elf ranger (me ^ ^), Kali's human thief , Heljä dwarf priestess Melora and Mon'artil the elf ranger (archer). And NPC (a traitor ultimately !)...

Our guide takes us to an ancient ruined city of tens of km of high water which we suppose is the land of bandits and perhaps even a nest Yuan-Ti .

arrived at the gates of the city, we faufilons in the shadows to fall suddenly on several bandits.

Combat is relentless and they arise from all sides.

Their leader is perched atop a small tower and we loose stuffs arrows, as well as our guide who stabbed us in the back (in fact it uses a crossbow ^ ^)

In addition to humans, a witch Yuan-Ti brings his evil magic to overthrow us.

Fortunately, our shots and our arrows mow his opponents without mercy.

A spell of the Yuan-Ti immobilize us, me and Heljä , legs stuck in the swampy land became suddenly.
I'll have to let my faithful swords fall to grab my bow. Besides, it's one of my arrows nailed, in the head, the witch winds (which I appropriating Armor - Armor Skin invoked +2).

In the lair of the bandits, locked in a cage we will release children who were to be sold to snake-men. But during the confrontation, the dwarf who had guided us so far we have escaped ...

The result of our adventures? Very soon, is not it Sylvia?
(especially since I'm finally level 4 level 3 and my companions, which should provide exciting battles!)


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