Friday, November 27, 2009

Christian Sports Networks

[Books] My recent readings

It's been a while since I did not really set foot on my blog :-(
And so you feel like I'm nothing ^ ^
Actually, no. I'm just behind the updates to this little blog. Nothing too serious.
Since the beginning (September what) I read books qq. I give you my impressions in bulk:

In the universe of 40,000
  • His last order : novel series of ghosts of Gaunt. As usual, reader-friendly, one finds pleasure Gaunt back with his ghosts.
  • The labyrinth of ice second volume of the adventures of hbtc Commissioner Cain. Not bad. A little worse than the first in the series. Perhaps this is due to repetition, if not the rehashed, throughout the book. The first was a little more subtle. To see what gives Following this series.
  • Chronicles of heresy: a collection of short stories that take place during the Heresy. Some stories are very interesting (especially those of Abnett and McNeill and another with the sisters of silence) and other less ...
To diversify a chouille
  • Juana Vera, a collection of short stories written by Jean-Philippe Jaworski (the creator of the Third Age RPG and Te Deum for a massacre). It is beautifully written! Really. After these are new, and according to acquaintances of each, some will have your preference (one of Don benvenuto gesufal! A pure delight!). I was going to forget, we are in a world of fantasy (medievalisation) rich and subtle as each new comes to light.
  • Millennium Volume 1: I have super well hung! Having heard from everywhere and very different people, I jumped at the chance when I could borrow them and Captain Alex RĂ©jie. And I do not regret at all! By the end of the first book I started in the second. The pace of the narrative pushes me to read even more, which affects my sleep :-(


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