Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How To Suck Yoyr Own Pienis

Test Eden

Last Friday Jugger , the designer of the rules of Eden we had the pleasure to visit the club to allow us to discover this new game of skirmishes that will be available shortly .

I only know little about the underlying universe in the game except that there are 4 factions and a theme rather Post apo .

For parties of demos, two factions were available: the gang of clowns and the mutants aborigines.

I will come back on the other two factions in late post but I do not know much.

First appearance: The design
sculpture figurines is correct without falling down. Some parts are missing a je ne sais quoi that makes them less insipid. Mutants are a bit more successful, or at least stand out by their originality (and again, here we played with the free versions African masks).
They also lack a small side Wysiwyg (especially as regards the knife throwers).
The reference cards are both aesthetic and comprehensible.

second aspect: the system
It is fluid, fast and fun!
I'll try not to say anything stupid, knowing that I tell all memory ^ ^

fighters have 4 features (from left to right and from top to bottom): Psi, Fighting, Strength and Speed. Each feature has
Life Points. If a character is brought to 0, the fighter is knocked out. When a characteristic passes in the red, the fighter is injured and therefore uses the red value as it will not be ironed in the white.

Each player strategies points (the sum of characteristics Psi fighters who form his band). These points are used for the entire game. They are used to try to win the initiative (each player placing a secret nb of pts , which will be spent), to play a card tactic among those who have been chosen (as far as the value of the head of Psi band) in the early game (only playable at the beginning of each round) and to use certain abilities (such as spells Sorcerer's Mutant).

tactical maps are based on each faction can get special benefits when they are played.

Each figurine is alternately activated and has 3 points Shares which allows it to move (10 cm to 1 PA), engage an enemy model (10 cm + 1 share movement fighting for 2 PA), 1 attack (1 PA either remote or melee ) or to use capabilities specific to the model (such as regeneration of Abama Grand Belly ) Or keep PA to react in case of engagement in combat by an opponent's base (for Responding or Dodge ). You can not make more than two actions per turn of combat.

subtlety in activation. The player with the initiative says the fighter he wants to act. His opponent may interrupt an act by its figs with a speed (strictly) above and so on. Simply

and enter the heart of the matter, during a melee, this is how things are going: If the defender has
Points Action may be retaliate or Dodge, or do nothing. If he chooses
Responding must determine who the attacker or defender strikes first. Why each character rolls 1d6 and adds his combat value. + The top hits first (in case of a tie? I'd say it's the one with the + character in his but it's a personal opinion ).
is solved when the fight as follows: the attacker throws as much as the value of D6 and D6 Combat to locate his shot. Each die receives at least the value of Strength is a key defender. One may trade one (or several) key to change the location (bring localization in the red, even if only barely more interesting than to tick boxes white ^ ^). The number of remaining keys is the number of suffered damage localization.
If the defender had chosen of Dodge , he can run as many dice as its speed and each result at least equal to the value of his opponent's Battle to cancel a key.

For shooting is pretty much the same except that the defender can not do anything (except pray that his opponent spleen) and the attacker throws as many dice as his fight but against a difficulty This time corresponds to the speed of its target (which must necessarily be the closest enemy). Each key can then be used to change the location or they are cumulative with the power of the weapon to form a new pool of dice that is going to launch against the force of the target for "concrete" damage. In sum, there is one more step than during the melee.

I did not really talk about the equipment but if the figures have, it is indicated at the bottom of the card and what it brings (that armor is very powerful because they simply cancel damage in the locations they protect).

My Impression?
All this gives a rich, yet simple tactic!

Moreover, because the playing surface is small (60x60cm) that provides fast games. At the beginning of a game, each player chooses a card which states his scenario victory conditions (sometimes map scenario is kept secret). It must clearly play goals than the mere baston if you want to win!

Really, I spent a very pleasant time in my game for beginners and those I could watch. I find the system filled with fun good ideas.

Now, I do not know yet what is balancing. It would appear that the mutants often win against the Clowns ...
mutants have a leader who is a raw the melee (8 in Combat) and can run (only once in the game) a spear. It's the only shot available of Mutants. Then there's the murderer who is fragile but a fighter who is very correct and its special ability to prevent the opponent to respond is very interesting. The sorcerer is awesome. He has only spells (they roast of strategies for initiating and not PA !) Support that can interfere opponents. Fragile and no offensive spells. The last big belly Abama is shielded. Not a big fighter, but he resists, even in the most furious storm. Apart Abama the tank, the mutants have large values of Speed (difficult to reach remote and mostly they can easily interrupt the initiative and take their little difficult).

For Clowns, I have not played so I see less their strengths and weaknesses. Most have ranged attack (knives) that they can run to 15 cm. There is a psychopath (the dancer in a tutu) which becomes stronger when + he was wounded. There is flameur Crame that anything that moves (or not in fact ^ ^). Fire causes damage on any one location with a persistent effect . The head can swing one (and only) molotov cocktail (explosive effect that can potentially affect several figs and causes fire damage). They are generally smaller (but more numerous). They do not have many options to use their points of strategies. They are not very fast.

For the other two factions, this is the Matriarchy (kind of trip SM with figs very average) and I have no idea how they play (except that there are 6 figs in the starter). The last faction is called SAI . The only figure I saw was a kind of battle armor that makes at least double the size of a fig! Very nice indeed. The starter should contain 3 figs, including a sort of ninja female should swing of shurikens while the other two will only melee. A follow

^ ^

And a small photo of my two angels who also play the figurines ^ ^


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