Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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[Games] Claustrophobia: Part

confess. I waited a long time and I jumped at the chance to rush over me whenever the opportunity presented itself (December 11, I was at St Lazare least ten to seven hours while the trains were crowded because of strikes, rather than the sardine, I called LudikBazar Meissonier whether they had a copy and if they could wait until I come before you close ^ ^).
Well, in addition, it was almost my birthday, so I had the "good" right on my side, right?
My friend told me about Philippe and in many explanations of the game system that had made me, and that to me or even seen the final figures reinforces my desire to have this game in my game library.
course, like many people, the instructional video of the 30-minute TV TricTrac showing Mr. Phal playing against Croc, only confirmed what I thought.

So eagerly I took the club meeting from 18/12 to play. Two parties in a row on the same scenario (same as in the video, the No. 1 what) and playing twice demons.
It's as simple as that. The system is fluid, well built. We begin to associate the dice to best manage the situation. Human players become claustrophobic, while saying that light at the end of the tunnel is at hand. One wish? Y replay!

For figs, they are very good. I regret that the poses are identical for all troglodytes, and the two swordsmen and two thugs. For cons, the level of pre-painted is very good. The figure demon is actually a generic representation demons, since the characteristics (and type) of these are represented by cards, which offers lots of variety (from a viewpoint set) my opinion.

The rulebook contains 8 scenarios, an alternative to compose his team with a budget of development and the official blog already offers a new story (thank you Philippe ^ ^)

do you mean, you're still reading my blog? Is that you trust your dad to bring Christmas under the tree:-D

Next Posts to: Avatar the movie and the last two series I have viewed: Dexter season 4 and Braquo


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