Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Woman Doctor Check A Man's Penis

Review 2009 and 2010 projects fun

for years are typically a good time to draw up balance sheets. This allows for a little point what has been done to better understand what we will do next year. So I quickly brushed
stock of games I've played this year, and those that I discovered my desire to play the new year ahead.

Bilan 2009

Games These are games that I played already
  • Warmachine (3 games format as Battlegroup Khador and Cygnar my cons)
  • Alkemy ( 2 parts -> I drop)
  • Lotow (only 1 piece :-()
  • DD4 (7 or 8 games)
  • WoW Mini (5 games, perhaps more)
  • Neuroshima (I have not had time to test the latest extension: Neuroshima Duels, but otherwise full of games ^ ^)
  • Tannhauser (5 parts - more? - And the more I played the more I appreciate)
  • Okko (7-8 parties and it's really good)
  • Star Wars Epic Duels
  • (5 or 6 games - fun, easy, fast)
  • Squad Seven (4-5 parts and still no sprained ankles ^ ^)
  • A Touch of Evil (2 parts - long, too long)
  • Wings of War (2 games and I still have not played with the big two-seater)
  • Can ' t Stop (2 parts - fast and not making head this allows sprinkle lucidity an evening with friends)
  • Ghost Stories (2 games and I still have not beaten, or even preview Wu Chen! Yet the beginnings of a battle begins to germinate)
  • Vs ( 2 parts, it's been far too long and it's still good!)
  • Looping Louis (as there are people at home!)

perhaps I forget ... But I can already see those who have not been out shelves ... And inside there that I regret (as Last Night On Earth or Doom, and others confirm that I better to separate myself a little space)

These are games that I've never played, I see that did not even know the name!
  • Pulp City -> Figs nice, rich game system and to properly transcribe the clashes between Super Hunks.
  • All Things Zombies and the system Chain reaction -> a game system for me innovative and manages the game very well solo
  • Chaos In Carpathia (but not yet able to play)
  • Zombstone (I do test it, Finally, at JFJ! The system seems excellent and very fun)
  • Eden -> test that I could let me make very palatable
  • Golgo Island -> Not really my style system, but delirium is guaranteed to every party, I admit that this is what I would be seated back to me at a table
  • Bakugan (with my 4 year old son) -> Excellent! Well, I n'ia the basic game and I can not play with the cards but the ideas are really excellent
  • New Edition Space Hulk (3 games) -> Always as well and even better!
  • incursion (8 games) -> The real "rival" of the venerable Space Hul.
  • Ron & Bones (5 games) -> Figs sublime (except Concerning the casting alloy and quality), but gameplay is lacking a bit heavy so fluidity. To see what it will be followed by the publisher
  • Golgothic (qq party testing) -> being finalized for 2010 JFJ that are close to very big step!
  • Claustrophobia (2 games and I'm itching to do many others!)
  • The kings of the ring (6 or 7 games, maybe even more because the parts that we keep coming without them report)
  • Dark Heresy (1 session only for now but more strongly)

Projects / Wish 2010
  • Warmachine / Hordes MkII version
  • Malifaux if I one day get their hands on figs / rules
  • Perhaps the Pulp City and / or the Eden Test Finally
  • Chaos In Carpathia
  • Continue DD4
  • More Dark Heresy (Waga if you read me you know what you have to do)
  • Fit part Marvel Universe if I have time and courage
Try to be less versatile and that I focus more about ^ ^ qq games
But hey, it was not my fault if there are lots of good games that spend their time out!
And yet, I was reasonable because I did not jump to violence some on!

But hey, I know myself, and I know that many things will disrupt these projects ... qq Including the excellent board games Ave figurines that I am far from having been around and that makes the eye (who said Claustrophobia? ^ ^)


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