Friday, January 22, 2010


[JFJ 2010] Rapid Point on the 5th edition of JFJ

Not yet found time to do a small report of the 5th edition of JFJs. In addition, I have not had time to take pictures.
Fortunately, there are people more effective ^ ^
particular Belisarius who has posted a good overview of what looked like the 2010 edition: = article & id = 88: jfj-2010 & catid = 81: Events & Itemid = 106

In short, for me it was an opportunity to see some familiar faces and meet some friends IRL figurinobloggers, test and finally Zombstone a game of Pulp City on a magnificent table (the one with the tram and some civilians from the Scooby gang!). And then discuss with a lot of fans to see the beautiful tables, and regret not having found more time to play it! And our
Golgothik a pretty good shot. I even managed to play two different scenarios in parallel with 6 players (3 on each scenario).

A very good weekend, but exhausting and does not have me too Permit to see my baby and my children.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where Does Veronica Moser Live

Ben ..... do too cold in the basement!!

So back in February for modifications can be renaviguer in March .....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Taekwondo Demostration Music

[JFJ2010] Golgothik

Will you be able to stop the demon?
(the famous Path Shall Do ^ ^)

Or one of the many dark creatures that haunt the lands of the village?

To find out, go to JFJs 16 and 17 January!

In the meantime, here's a preview of the table created by club members for this event.
For fans of details, even sees all the figures that populate the great cards and references.
Lovely ^ ^ Do not pay too much attention to the colors because the white balance my camera leave to be desired ...

Thickbrownish Mucus Discharge Before Period

[Games] Claustrophobia, always so good!

Before getting on Golgothik , I had time to make two parts of Claustrophobia.
Part I play humans on the script of the ritual where the shelf is fixed and where I have to take 10 laps for the Redeemer to finish his ritual. I realized too late the tactics adopted to try to contain the troglodytes and the scenario ends in a bitter écrabouillage humans.
Second part where this time I represent the evil spirit and the human player must find (and slaying) two owned ... That he never found ^ ^
After 5 games the fun is still there and the desire to play again too! AND I have not done all scenarios (there are at least 1 of the rulebook and the 2 available on the blog ... Besides the fact that the replayability different scenarios is very important with the drawing of tiles and other cards - yes, I know, this is called chance and some do not support ^ ^)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Messages For Newborns

[JFJ2010] Pulp City!

You know, Pulp City is one of my favorites with this year.
Atmosphere very fun game very Tactical and figurines nice.
Well, thanks to the Pulp, there will be ways to discover this excellent game on a table at JFJ madness!
You do not believe me? Go take a look at the following link: of-game-for-sartrouville /

And for those who are not crazy super colorful tights, you do not there will be a lot of other nice tables on which to spend a great time fun!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome Letter To Vip Hotel Guests

[JFJ2010] Last lap

We approach the final stretch before JFJs vintage 2010 which will take place on 16 and 17 January 2010 Sartrouville for those who do not follow at all.

The site has seen a lot of updating , SebRom struggles like a god Tetris to cram all the excitement, we still have a thousand and one details to refine the table Golgothik is 95% finished ( go take a look at the work of Igor the mansion) and the final touches on the rules and the creation of maps (Jero thank you!) should be ready for a real test Friday ^ ^ club

Well, me, if I want to be ready, I still have to finish painting the walls and especially the last fig ... But size! I painted qq

other figures, but I had less temsp to blog or take pictures. Sorry. But as it will be the surprise for those who come to JFJ ^ ^

In fact, for JFJs, you can come without figures, without dice and you do not need to know this hobby to enjoy it. We just have a good temperament playful (and up to Board games will be there with Ludothèque ephemeral Ludicnic or Killpower Ball).

@ IRL in 10 days! The