Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thickbrownish Mucus Discharge Before Period

[Games] Claustrophobia, always so good!

Before getting on Golgothik , I had time to make two parts of Claustrophobia.
Part I play humans on the script of the ritual where the shelf is fixed and where I have to take 10 laps for the Redeemer to finish his ritual. I realized too late the tactics adopted to try to contain the troglodytes and the scenario ends in a bitter écrabouillage humans.
Second part where this time I represent the evil spirit and the human player must find (and slaying) two owned ... That he never found ^ ^
After 5 games the fun is still there and the desire to play again too! AND I have not done all scenarios (there are at least 1 of the rulebook and the 2 available on the blog ... Besides the fact that the replayability different scenarios is very important with the drawing of tiles and other cards - yes, I know, this is called chance and some do not support ^ ^)


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