Friday, January 22, 2010


[JFJ 2010] Rapid Point on the 5th edition of JFJ

Not yet found time to do a small report of the 5th edition of JFJs. In addition, I have not had time to take pictures.
Fortunately, there are people more effective ^ ^
particular Belisarius who has posted a good overview of what looked like the 2010 edition: = article & id = 88: jfj-2010 & catid = 81: Events & Itemid = 106

In short, for me it was an opportunity to see some familiar faces and meet some friends IRL figurinobloggers, test and finally Zombstone a game of Pulp City on a magnificent table (the one with the tram and some civilians from the Scooby gang!). And then discuss with a lot of fans to see the beautiful tables, and regret not having found more time to play it! And our
Golgothik a pretty good shot. I even managed to play two different scenarios in parallel with 6 players (3 on each scenario).

A very good weekend, but exhausting and does not have me too Permit to see my baby and my children.


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