Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hows Does Don Onar Looks In 2010

....... and Happy New Year !!!!!

A Woman Doctor Check A Man's Penis

Review 2009 and 2010 projects fun

for years are typically a good time to draw up balance sheets. This allows for a little point what has been done to better understand what we will do next year. So I quickly brushed
stock of games I've played this year, and those that I discovered my desire to play the new year ahead.

Bilan 2009

Games These are games that I played already
  • Warmachine (3 games format as Battlegroup Khador and Cygnar my cons)
  • Alkemy ( 2 parts -> I drop)
  • Lotow (only 1 piece :-()
  • DD4 (7 or 8 games)
  • WoW Mini (5 games, perhaps more)
  • Neuroshima (I have not had time to test the latest extension: Neuroshima Duels, but otherwise full of games ^ ^)
  • Tannhauser (5 parts - more? - And the more I played the more I appreciate)
  • Okko (7-8 parties and it's really good)
  • Star Wars Epic Duels
  • (5 or 6 games - fun, easy, fast)
  • Squad Seven (4-5 parts and still no sprained ankles ^ ^)
  • A Touch of Evil (2 parts - long, too long)
  • Wings of War (2 games and I still have not played with the big two-seater)
  • Can ' t Stop (2 parts - fast and not making head this allows sprinkle lucidity an evening with friends)
  • Ghost Stories (2 games and I still have not beaten, or even preview Wu Chen! Yet the beginnings of a battle begins to germinate)
  • Vs ( 2 parts, it's been far too long and it's still good!)
  • Looping Louis (as there are people at home!)

perhaps I forget ... But I can already see those who have not been out shelves ... And inside there that I regret (as Last Night On Earth or Doom, and others confirm that I better to separate myself a little space)

These are games that I've never played, I see that did not even know the name!
  • Pulp City -> Figs nice, rich game system and to properly transcribe the clashes between Super Hunks.
  • All Things Zombies and the system Chain reaction -> a game system for me innovative and manages the game very well solo
  • Chaos In Carpathia (but not yet able to play)
  • Zombstone (I do test it, Finally, at JFJ! The system seems excellent and very fun)
  • Eden -> test that I could let me make very palatable
  • Golgo Island -> Not really my style system, but delirium is guaranteed to every party, I admit that this is what I would be seated back to me at a table
  • Bakugan (with my 4 year old son) -> Excellent! Well, I n'ia the basic game and I can not play with the cards but the ideas are really excellent
  • New Edition Space Hulk (3 games) -> Always as well and even better!
  • incursion (8 games) -> The real "rival" of the venerable Space Hul.
  • Ron & Bones (5 games) -> Figs sublime (except Concerning the casting alloy and quality), but gameplay is lacking a bit heavy so fluidity. To see what it will be followed by the publisher
  • Golgothic (qq party testing) -> being finalized for 2010 JFJ that are close to very big step!
  • Claustrophobia (2 games and I'm itching to do many others!)
  • The kings of the ring (6 or 7 games, maybe even more because the parts that we keep coming without them report)
  • Dark Heresy (1 session only for now but more strongly)

Projects / Wish 2010
  • Warmachine / Hordes MkII version
  • Malifaux if I one day get their hands on figs / rules
  • Perhaps the Pulp City and / or the Eden Test Finally
  • Chaos In Carpathia
  • Continue DD4
  • More Dark Heresy (Waga if you read me you know what you have to do)
  • Fit part Marvel Universe if I have time and courage
Try to be less versatile and that I focus more about ^ ^ qq games
But hey, it was not my fault if there are lots of good games that spend their time out!
And yet, I was reasonable because I did not jump to violence some on!

But hey, I know myself, and I know that many things will disrupt these projects ... qq Including the excellent board games Ave figurines that I am far from having been around and that makes the eye (who said Claustrophobia? ^ ^)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Females Getting Nipples Pierced

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas all Internet radio controlled sailing enthusiasts, Especially in the multihull ...... and particular mention to the rising generation that dares to tackle the dominance of trimarans to occupy the field with the catamaran !...... one day ...... we will turn faster! Na!

Merry Christmas to all my brothers in arms, far from their families, on the whole planet, and serve proudly boast three colors!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bezbolesna śmierć

[TV Series] Dexter season 4 and Braquo

Two very good series!

One is well presented and the other strikes a blow. Already

4 seasons for Dexter and I never tire tjs not. This 4 th season ever in 12 episodes, is one of the best. Everything is very well put together and the final absolutely stunning. I still can not get over so that it has been over a week since I saw it ...

Braquo is a lot of Shield Made in France. The first French series that resembles qq thing. Only 8 episodes, but certainly many ways that all seasons Julie Lescaut combined! Finally a set with actors who embody their characters, a script and a plot that make fiction believable and immerses the viewer heart drama, light and image control. Finally a series that has nothing to be ashamed of quality standards across the Atlantic . To see. Imperative.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Buy Chicken Wings In Wholesale

[Games] Claustrophobia: Part

confess. I waited a long time and I jumped at the chance to rush over me whenever the opportunity presented itself (December 11, I was at St Lazare least ten to seven hours while the trains were crowded because of strikes, rather than the sardine, I called LudikBazar Meissonier whether they had a copy and if they could wait until I come before you close ^ ^).
Well, in addition, it was almost my birthday, so I had the "good" right on my side, right?
My friend told me about Philippe and in many explanations of the game system that had made me, and that to me or even seen the final figures reinforces my desire to have this game in my game library.
course, like many people, the instructional video of the 30-minute TV TricTrac showing Mr. Phal playing against Croc, only confirmed what I thought.

So eagerly I took the club meeting from 18/12 to play. Two parties in a row on the same scenario (same as in the video, the No. 1 what) and playing twice demons.
It's as simple as that. The system is fluid, well built. We begin to associate the dice to best manage the situation. Human players become claustrophobic, while saying that light at the end of the tunnel is at hand. One wish? Y replay!

For figs, they are very good. I regret that the poses are identical for all troglodytes, and the two swordsmen and two thugs. For cons, the level of pre-painted is very good. The figure demon is actually a generic representation demons, since the characteristics (and type) of these are represented by cards, which offers lots of variety (from a viewpoint set) my opinion.

The rulebook contains 8 scenarios, an alternative to compose his team with a budget of development and the official blog already offers a new story (thank you Philippe ^ ^)

do you mean, you're still reading my blog? Is that you trust your dad to bring Christmas under the tree:-D

Next Posts to: Avatar the movie and the last two series I have viewed: Dexter season 4 and Braquo

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Basketball Referee Nj

Great Scott!! Alinghi

Internet is truly a unique area ......

Monday, December 14, 2009

Twitching In Left Leg

[Cine] First time

It is! Gabi was his first time at the movies! December 6 was to show Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard . He loved it, was not asleep, was particularly wise and lovable. However, Arthur 2 is not exceptional but I did not sleep either ^ ^

And as this first release film went very well, I repeated the experiment with this time Astroboy. Same! He was very attentive and loved Astro. And I also found it very nice. Well paced, engaging character (and yet I've never been a fan Astro qd I was young), animated images and very successful.

The next movie by cons, it will be a great movie for
^ ^ And even if Gabi wants to come:-D
Directorate AVATAR next Saturday!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ejeculated During Brazilian Wax

.... In my

Calculations began on TurboCad ...... even though the project has not started yet. I rely on photos gleaned on the net to draw the shell (or rather the shell !!!). This eternal rule of three is really useful (this is also a Mini 40 ...... I did not break as a car!)
photos most useful:
33 meters for 23 shells of width ....

Hack Convertir Ipa En Jar

Nantes Internet ......

Analytics puts you ....... as the Internet's most faithful ....... so my curiosity was somewhat aroused! Who are you? that you build? News !!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

High Heels Transporter Ii

DESIRES ....... End

And what about you ......... this beautiful bow, ready to cleave the waves ... this catamaran

Next?? would certainly not get the plans (mission impossible) but at least some indications, including sections of hull ...... emails are gone ..... they will come back??

go, others to the beauty of the craft!

Pictures recovered from the site ALINGHI.COM

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Alima Foundation Swatches

adaptations for now ....

.... and waiting for warmer weather for testing! too gusty wind these days in Saumur region !!!.......

Well certainly, the fastening system of the mainsail is weak ...... I'll have to find something else!

How Can We Get Rid Of Musterbation In Islam

Establishment Horn Horn GV

reduction required from the top of the mainsail (9 cm horn instead of 11) and track the round chute.Un slightly less power in perspective?? In any case, usually charging less!

Invitation Wording Where Guests Pay

mainsail on ball bearing. Shutter

A creation of one of the members of my club model who has kindly passed on the workpiece. It is a casting of carbon. On the inside, there is a ball bearing in which just sink a screw that extends into the axis of the mast.

cutting the piece with the jigsaw.

This "gift" frees me a big problem: the top of the mainsail is attached to a horn unarticulated, the excess pressure due to wind could escape upwards of hence contributing to the charging!
is much more efficient now!

Maxi And Chelsea Charms

traps before setting

.... with strong canvas Mainsail Yacht sizes. A priori Mylar reinforced Kevlar / carbon. I recovered a few falls!
on foils.

Tamil Marriage Invite

New front beam ..... more waterproof!

The previous system of fixing (dowel withdrawal) was not tight enough despite the silicone. I benefited from the introduction of front door to achieve a system of fixing screws reversed, with an aluminum core to distribute the tensile force.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Christian Sports Networks

[Books] My recent readings

It's been a while since I did not really set foot on my blog :-(
And so you feel like I'm nothing ^ ^
Actually, no. I'm just behind the updates to this little blog. Nothing too serious.
Since the beginning (September what) I read books qq. I give you my impressions in bulk:

In the universe of 40,000
  • His last order : novel series of ghosts of Gaunt. As usual, reader-friendly, one finds pleasure Gaunt back with his ghosts.
  • The labyrinth of ice second volume of the adventures of hbtc Commissioner Cain. Not bad. A little worse than the first in the series. Perhaps this is due to repetition, if not the rehashed, throughout the book. The first was a little more subtle. To see what gives Following this series.
  • Chronicles of heresy: a collection of short stories that take place during the Heresy. Some stories are very interesting (especially those of Abnett and McNeill and another with the sisters of silence) and other less ...
To diversify a chouille
  • Juana Vera, a collection of short stories written by Jean-Philippe Jaworski (the creator of the Third Age RPG and Te Deum for a massacre). It is beautifully written! Really. After these are new, and according to acquaintances of each, some will have your preference (one of Don benvenuto gesufal! A pure delight!). I was going to forget, we are in a world of fantasy (medievalisation) rich and subtle as each new comes to light.
  • Millennium Volume 1: I have super well hung! Having heard from everywhere and very different people, I jumped at the chance when I could borrow them and Captain Alex Réjie. And I do not regret at all! By the end of the first book I started in the second. The pace of the narrative pushes me to read even more, which affects my sleep :-(

Line Diagram Bugatti Veyron Engine Gearbox

[Video Games] Torchlight

I had the Pommy friend on the phone yesterday who told me about Torchlight , like a dolly made by two of the creators of Diablo 1 & 2. A good Hack'n'Slash really. The design is decidedly cartoon (there is an air of artists like Madureira or one of Blizzard's designers) and a steampunk side. It must especially be the fact that there are other kinds of guns and blunderbusses, more than the look of some equipment. Me, I love it!
can download the game (about 400MB) and play freely for 2 hours before having to enter the serial key. This helps to get a complete idea of the game (worth only 20 $)!
No multiplayer or online games. Just a good romp for hack'n'slash serenely with polished graphics, pleasant music, e t full of little "finds" cool.
And then we are in familiar territory: the objects are classified as color-coded according to their rarity in WoW, some objects have slots to insert gems that increase their power or give bonuses to features.
There is a choice between three types of characters (a great warrior, an archer and an alchemist) and is accompanied by a pet.
Nothing really new, but it's just very well done and very fun ! In addition, the machine configuration necessary to take advantage is minimal !!
Really, there's no reason not to test it for at least two hours! Thank
20/100 of letting me discover.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How To Suck Yoyr Own Pienis

Test Eden

Last Friday Jugger , the designer of the rules of Eden we had the pleasure to visit the club to allow us to discover this new game of skirmishes that will be available shortly .

I only know little about the underlying universe in the game except that there are 4 factions and a theme rather Post apo .

For parties of demos, two factions were available: the gang of clowns and the mutants aborigines.

I will come back on the other two factions in late post but I do not know much.

First appearance: The design
sculpture figurines is correct without falling down. Some parts are missing a je ne sais quoi that makes them less insipid. Mutants are a bit more successful, or at least stand out by their originality (and again, here we played with the free versions African masks).
They also lack a small side Wysiwyg (especially as regards the knife throwers).
The reference cards are both aesthetic and comprehensible.

second aspect: the system
It is fluid, fast and fun!
I'll try not to say anything stupid, knowing that I tell all memory ^ ^

fighters have 4 features (from left to right and from top to bottom): Psi, Fighting, Strength and Speed. Each feature has
Life Points. If a character is brought to 0, the fighter is knocked out. When a characteristic passes in the red, the fighter is injured and therefore uses the red value as it will not be ironed in the white.

Each player strategies points (the sum of characteristics Psi fighters who form his band). These points are used for the entire game. They are used to try to win the initiative (each player placing a secret nb of pts , which will be spent), to play a card tactic among those who have been chosen (as far as the value of the head of Psi band) in the early game (only playable at the beginning of each round) and to use certain abilities (such as spells Sorcerer's Mutant).

tactical maps are based on each faction can get special benefits when they are played.

Each figurine is alternately activated and has 3 points Shares which allows it to move (10 cm to 1 PA), engage an enemy model (10 cm + 1 share movement fighting for 2 PA), 1 attack (1 PA either remote or melee ) or to use capabilities specific to the model (such as regeneration of Abama Grand Belly ) Or keep PA to react in case of engagement in combat by an opponent's base (for Responding or Dodge ). You can not make more than two actions per turn of combat.

subtlety in activation. The player with the initiative says the fighter he wants to act. His opponent may interrupt an act by its figs with a speed (strictly) above and so on. Simply

and enter the heart of the matter, during a melee, this is how things are going: If the defender has
Points Action may be retaliate or Dodge, or do nothing. If he chooses
Responding must determine who the attacker or defender strikes first. Why each character rolls 1d6 and adds his combat value. + The top hits first (in case of a tie? I'd say it's the one with the + character in his but it's a personal opinion ).
is solved when the fight as follows: the attacker throws as much as the value of D6 and D6 Combat to locate his shot. Each die receives at least the value of Strength is a key defender. One may trade one (or several) key to change the location (bring localization in the red, even if only barely more interesting than to tick boxes white ^ ^). The number of remaining keys is the number of suffered damage localization.
If the defender had chosen of Dodge , he can run as many dice as its speed and each result at least equal to the value of his opponent's Battle to cancel a key.

For shooting is pretty much the same except that the defender can not do anything (except pray that his opponent spleen) and the attacker throws as many dice as his fight but against a difficulty This time corresponds to the speed of its target (which must necessarily be the closest enemy). Each key can then be used to change the location or they are cumulative with the power of the weapon to form a new pool of dice that is going to launch against the force of the target for "concrete" damage. In sum, there is one more step than during the melee.

I did not really talk about the equipment but if the figures have, it is indicated at the bottom of the card and what it brings (that armor is very powerful because they simply cancel damage in the locations they protect).

My Impression?
All this gives a rich, yet simple tactic!

Moreover, because the playing surface is small (60x60cm) that provides fast games. At the beginning of a game, each player chooses a card which states his scenario victory conditions (sometimes map scenario is kept secret). It must clearly play goals than the mere baston if you want to win!

Really, I spent a very pleasant time in my game for beginners and those I could watch. I find the system filled with fun good ideas.

Now, I do not know yet what is balancing. It would appear that the mutants often win against the Clowns ...
mutants have a leader who is a raw the melee (8 in Combat) and can run (only once in the game) a spear. It's the only shot available of Mutants. Then there's the murderer who is fragile but a fighter who is very correct and its special ability to prevent the opponent to respond is very interesting. The sorcerer is awesome. He has only spells (they roast of strategies for initiating and not PA !) Support that can interfere opponents. Fragile and no offensive spells. The last big belly Abama is shielded. Not a big fighter, but he resists, even in the most furious storm. Apart Abama the tank, the mutants have large values of Speed (difficult to reach remote and mostly they can easily interrupt the initiative and take their little difficult).

For Clowns, I have not played so I see less their strengths and weaknesses. Most have ranged attack (knives) that they can run to 15 cm. There is a psychopath (the dancer in a tutu) which becomes stronger when + he was wounded. There is flameur Crame that anything that moves (or not in fact ^ ^). Fire causes damage on any one location with a persistent effect . The head can swing one (and only) molotov cocktail (explosive effect that can potentially affect several figs and causes fire damage). They are generally smaller (but more numerous). They do not have many options to use their points of strategies. They are not very fast.

For the other two factions, this is the Matriarchy (kind of trip SM with figs very average) and I have no idea how they play (except that there are 6 figs in the starter). The last faction is called SAI . The only figure I saw was a kind of battle armor that makes at least double the size of a fig! Very nice indeed. The starter should contain 3 figs, including a sort of ninja female should swing of shurikens while the other two will only melee. A follow

^ ^

And a small photo of my two angels who also play the figurines ^ ^

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Itchy Bumps Reoccuring

[JFJ 2010] Forward program, bulk

Go a little more two months before the new edition of JFJ, Days Figurines Games Sartrouville and who will therefore be in their fifth edition.

We found the time to return Tuesday night to move forward and make a progress report on the organization of our convention. Here

the provisional program in its current state. Nothing is yet decided and other exhibitors will still most certainly included. I hope not to forget already ^ ^

Anyway, I'll keep you posted and what will really believe this will be our official website should be updated soon!

  • Fenryll and Studio Jünger (with demos by Über Vladd
  • Himself, our sculptor!)
  • "Flea" Lamy
  • Zombstone Demo (Bouba thank you!)
  • Tournament DBA (and demos)
  • Tournament SDA
  • Demo Pulp City + shop's Den Blup
  • shop Fantasy decors Gaelende table demo 40K + (animated by the Hydra Mel O)
  • Heavy Gear demo (and tournament)
  • Demo Malifaux
  • Tournament Warmachine / Horde + demo (both pre-and Grind cited)
  • Tournament Ades (age Skirmishes Confrontation = 3.5 '- the premium is fundamental!)
  • Demo EDEN (and selling)
  • Demo Urban War & Metropolis + tournament
  • Demo Demo Blitzkriegcommander
  • Consortium (and selling)
  • Golgo Island (Demo and late first act of the international campaign clubs on live!)
  • Gloranthan Army (Space Dreadnought forward-ptremière. Moreover, while some have feet of halogen lying around, do not forget to try to pass to Greg for this project insane! )
  • Thurs participatory Golgothik (that I have already mentioned ^ ^)
  • Alkemy demo + tournament + sale
  • painting competition (Speed painting on Golgo figs, slow and painting contest OPEN)
  • Ludothèque ephemeral
  • Bring and Buy
  • Lotow Campaign (Legend of the Old West)
  • Demo MorteBrume (and sales?)
  • Thurs Participatory Civil War
  • Thurs participatory Mordheim
  • Boutique Decorations www.25mm.Fr

PS: If you are exhibitors and I've forgotten, let ^ _ ^ I sign
PS2: If you want to participate as exhibitors or organize a tournament or any other animation it is still tempsde contact us to reserve a booth (Free!):
PS3: This is a draft. The detailed program will be visible on our website (names of exhibitors, exact schedule of activities, etc.).